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$4 Million
Birth Injury
Confidential Birth Injury settlement.
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$3.23 Million
Daycare Child Injury
Damages awarded for a child injured at daycare.
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$3 Million
Car Accident
Highway collision settlement.
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$2.75 Million
Confidential medical malpractice settlement.
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$2.6 Million
Auto Accident
Confidential Birth Injury settlement.
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$3.23 Million
Daycare Child Injury
Damages awarded for a child injured at daycare.
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$3 Million
Car Accident
Highway collision settlement.
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Northern Iowa may not see the same level of traffic as a major metropolitan area. But even in rural communities like Mason City the people depend on their cars and other motor vehicles to get around every day. This means they are just as likely to be seriously injured–or even killed–in a car accident.

Most car accidents are preventable. Driver negligence is often the cause. But there may be other factors in play as well, such as a defective vehicle or poor road maintenance. That is why if you, or someone in your family, has been injured in any type of motor vehicle crash, it is worth speaking to a qualified Mason City car accident attorney

Ball, Kirk & Holm, P.C., was founded in 1958 to serve clients throughout northern Iowa who find themselves struggling to recover in the aftermath of a car accident. In over six decades of serving communities like Mason City, we have obtained seven-figure settlements and jury verdicts for our clients. We pride ourselves on being available to all of our clients 24/7 and making every effort to obtain a favorable outcome for their personal injury claim.

Types of Iowa Auto Accident We Handle

Not all car accidents result in serious injury. But even a seemingly minor “fender bender” can turn out to be a more consequential event than many people realize. That is why it is important to take any car accident seriously.

Some of the more common types of auto accident claims we assist clients with include:

  • Rear-End Collisions: The majority of car accidents in Iowa involve the one vehicle colliding with the back of the vehicle in front of them. In most cases, the trailing driver is held legally responsible for the accident. And while rear-end accidents tend to be low-speed collisions, they can still cause significant injuries to the occupants in the leading vehicle.
  • Head-On Collisions: These are often the most devastating auto accidents. A typical head-on accident is the result of a negligent motorist driving on the wrong side of the road or crossing over a median. While less common than rear-end collisions, a head-on accident is far more likely to result in death or catastrophic injuries.
  • Side-Impact Crashes: If you have ever been hit in an intersection, that was most likely a side-impact crash. It is generally not too difficult to assign liability for these accidents, as one driver has either ignored a stop sign or red light or simply failed to yield the right of way.
  • Sideswipe Accidents: When one driver “drifts” out of their lane unexpectedly, they can brush against another vehicle and cause a sideswipe accident.
  • Rollover Accidents: These accidents occur most often when driving sports-utility vehicles, pickup trucks, and vans. If one of these vehicles is hit or swiped from the side, particularly in poor weather conditions, it can roll over and crush the people inside.
  • Single-Vehicle Accidents: These crashes typically involve collisions with fixed objects such as a tree or utility pole. Even if the driver’s negligence caused the accident, the other passengers in the vehicle may still have a personal injury claim.
  • Farming Equipment/Vehicle Accidents: Much of the area surrounding Mason City is farmland. This means that cars often have to share the road with agricultural vehicles such as tractors and combines. And so it is no surprise that such vehicles are also involved in serious accidents. According to a 2022 report in the Des Moines Register, there are around 1,100 traffic accidents involving farming vehicles in the Midwest each year.

Common Causes of Iowa Auto Accidents

Anyone operating a motor vehicle in Iowa has a legal responsibility to obey the rules of the road and generally operate their car in a safe and responsible way. A driver who fails to uphold this responsibility is considered negligent and can be held liable for injuries sustained by the victims of an accident. Here are just a few of the ways in which negligence can lead to an otherwise avoidable car accident:

  • distracted driving;
  • operating while intoxicated (OWI);
  • speeding;
  • running red lights and stop signs;
  • tailgating;
  • unsafe lane changes;
  • driving the wrong way;
  • driver fatigue; and
  • reckless driving.

Common Injuries Sustained in Iowa Auto Accidents

Car accidents are often far more damaging than the victims initially realize. In fact, it is not uncommon for a person to get up and walk away from the scene of a crash only to learn hours or days later that they sustained a serious injury. For this reason, you should always seek immediate medical attention following any motor vehicle collision.

Some common types of car accident injuries we see among our clients include:

  • Neck Injuries: Whiplash commonly occurs in rear-end accidents. The sudden movement of a person’s head and in such collisions can damage the muscles and ligaments in their neck and lead to chronic pain and swelling.
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries: One of the worst things that can happen in a car accident is for a person’s head to strike a blunt object such as the steering wheel or dashboard. This often produces a traumatic brain injury. In mild cases, these are known as concussions. But in more serious cases, such injuries can lead to coma and possibly death.
  • Back Injuries: Anytime that you feel numbness or muscle weakness following a car accident, go to the emergency room. There is a good chance you sustained a herniated disc or other potential spinal cord damage. Left untreated, this can lead to paralysis.
  • Chest Trauma: The blunt force of a car accident often leads to broken ribs and collapsed lungs, which can lead to internal bleeding. If the victim has a pre-existing heart condition, they may even go into sudden cardiac arrest.

How Victims Can Recover Compensation Following an Iowa Car Accident

Iowa is an “at-fault” state when it comes to auto accidents. In simple terms, this means that you can always seek compensation from the negligent driver or other third parties who caused your injuries. Keep in mind, most Iowa drivers only carry the minimum amount of insurance required by state law, which is often far less than an accident victim’s total losses.

There are a few basic steps that any auto accident victim should follow when seeking compensation:

  • Gather as much evidence as you can at the scene.
  • Seek immediate medical attention and document your injuries.
  • Get repair estimates for your vehicle.
  • Never sign an insurance settlement offer or release without first speaking to a qualified Iowa car accident lawyer.

Working with an attorney is important even if you expect to settle with the negligent driver’s insurance company. There are a few reasons for this. First, an attorney can make sure you are not accepting a “lowball” offer or undervaluing your case. Second, an attorney can conduct a thorough investigation to identify other potentially liable parties and their available assets and insurance coverage. Third, an attorney can build and present your case to a court if the settlement negotiations fail to produce an acceptable result.

When it comes to working with any car accident attorney it is important to consider their track record. Our firm has obtained multi-million settlements and verdicts for past clients. While not every case is worth that much, our record demonstrates our commitment to ensuring the best possible result in every case.

FAQs About Iowa Car Accident Lawsuits

Can I sue someone other than the driver?

In some cases there may be other parties who are liable for a car accident. This may include the company that employed the negligent driver. It may also include the companies that manufactured the car or one of its parts if an equipment failure is found to be a cause of the accident.

Can I seek compensation for the diminished value of my vehicle?

Yes, Iowa allows an accident victim to seek such compensation from the at-fault driver or their insurance company.

What If I was partly at-fault for the car accident?

Iowa follows a comparative negligence rule in personal injury cases. This means that even if you are found partially at-fault by a judge or jury, you may still recover some compensation from the negligent driver, provided you were not more than 50 percent responsible.

Contact Ball, Kirk & Holm, P.C. Today

We understand that many car accident victims are reluctant to speak with an attorney due to concerns over the potential cost of filing a lawsuit. At Ball, Kirk & Holm, P.C., we work on a contingency basis. This means that we do not charge our clients any upfront fees. We only get paid if we obtain a settlement or court judgment on your behalf. In other words, there is never any financial risk to you in working with our firm. So if you would like to schedule a free consultation, call us at 319-220-0416 or contact us online. We have offices in both Waterloo and Iowa City. We can also make arrangements to travel to your location as circumstances permit.

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