Case Results Your Dedicated Waterloo Attorneys since 1958 Schedule Your Free Consultation Your Free Consultation $4 Million Birth Injury MEDICAL MALPRACTICE Confidential Birth Injury settlement. $3.23 Million Daycare Child Injury FAMILY LAW Damages awarded for a child injured at daycare. $3 Million Car Accident PERSONAL INJURY Highway collision settlement. $2.75 Million medical malpractice medical malpractice Confidential medical malpractice settlement. $2.6 Million Auto Accident PERSONAL INJURY Motor vehicle catastrophic injuries settlement. $2.5 Million Semi-Truck Accident PERSONAL INJURY Highway semi-truck collision settlement. $2.434 Million Defective Ladder Design PERSONAL INJURY Won trial for defective ladder design. $2.35 Million Wrongful Death PERSONAL INJURY Confidential wrongful death settlement. $1.5 Million SURGICAL ERROR MEDICAL MALPRACTICE Confidential surgical error settlement. $1.5 Million MALPRACTICE MEDICAL MALPRACTICE Legal malpractice trial win. $1.4 Million Birth Injury MEDICAL MALPRACTICE Birth injury trial win. $1 Million Medical Malpractice MEDICAL MALPRACTICE Confidential medical malpractice settlement. $900 Thousand Wrongful Death PERSONAL INJURY Confidential wrongful death settlement. $750 Thousand Medical Negligence MEDICAL MALPRACTICE Negligence in medicating a child. $615 Thousand Car Accident PERSONAL INJURY Confidential rural highway collision, settlement. $550 Thousand Medical Negligence MEDICAL MALPRACTICE Post-surgical complication negligence. $500 Thousand Drunk Driver PERSONAL INJURY Recovery against a bar for client injured by an over-served patron. $500 Thousand Malpractice MEDICAL MALPRACTICE Chiropractic malpractice confidential, settlement. $400 Thousand Auto Accident PERSONAL INJURY Motor vehicle accident settlement. $312 Thousand Garbage Truck Accident PERSONAL INJURY Elderly clients hit by a garbage truck. $295 Thousand ATV Accident PERSONAL INJURY Settlement for a child injured in an ATV accident. $275 Thousand Assault PERSONAL INJURY Recovery for client injured by assault. $275 Thousand Dog Attack PERSONAL INJURY Client injured by a dog attack. $251 Thousand Drunk Driver PERSONAL INJURY Settlement for family hurt by a drunk driver. $205 Thousand Workers Compensation PERSONAL INJURY Client was injured on the job. $200 Thousand Motorcycle Accident PERSONAL INJURY Motorcycle collision settlement. $200 Thousand Slip and Fall PERSONAL INJURY Confidential slip and fall settlement.