Dealing with a car insurance company after an accident, whether it is yours or the other driver’s, usually takes some delicacy. One wrong move and you can create some serious difficulties in the claim process. For example, if you say you have whiplash, the insurance company is going to start looking at your role in the accident with a more critical eye and suspect you of exaggerating your injuries.
Before you have to call a car insurance company to report an accident, take the time to brush up on the dos and don’ts. The tips below can help you avoid some common mistakes when you talk to the insurance company.
Don’t give your opinion
When you talk to the insurance company, be sure you leave your opinion out of the conversation. Furthermore, do not volunteer any extra information. Instead, stick to the basic facts and keep your answers clear, concise, and honest. If you offer an opinion or extra information, you could inadvertently damage your claim.
Do not admit any fault
While at the scene of the accident, you might feel the need to apologize to the other driver and admit to a partial fault to make that person feel better. Do not do this. When you talk to the insurance company later, do not do it then either. Let the insurer complete an investigation before you volunteer to take any blame for the collision.
Get documentation
If you plan on filing an accident claim to get compensation for your injuries, documentation is extremely important. Every time you visit the doctor, physical therapist, or pick up a prescription, keep copies of the receipts and any other relevant medical records. These will go a long way to support your claim.
Dealing with the aftermath of a car accident can often be messy and complicated. While the above tips can help you protect yourself, some insurance companies will do everything they can to deny a claim. If this happens, keep in mind that you still have other options available to fight for the compensation you deserve.